
Discover and share reusable components.

The marketplace offers things shared by account owners. These sanitized components can be freely downloaded and used in your TOO projects. Some things may have associated costs.

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boolean0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding 0/1 (false/true) value
duration0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding a period of time
integer0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding a 64-bit integer number
location0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding two numbers for latitude and longitude
number0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding a real 64-bit number
string0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding a sequence of characters
tick0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding a point in time
error0TOO/TOO/CoreHolding a string with the error cause
unicode0TOO/TOO/CoreUnicode characters
regex0TOO/TOO/CoreRegular expression parsing
terminal0TOO/TOO/CoreEnables printing and more (the Console instance is always visible)
time0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining various time-related functions (such as “now”, returning a tick with the current time)
timer0TOO/TOO/CoreGenerates the “notifies·expiry” event. Containing and “start”, “stop”, “pause” functions
boolean·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·boolean” abstract function
duration·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·duration” abstract function
integer·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·integer” abstract function
location·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·location” abstract function
number·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·number” abstract function
string·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·string” abstract function
tick·interface0TOO/TOO/CoreContaining the “as·tick” abstract function
list0TOO/TOO/DataStructuresSingly linked list
dlist0TOO/TOO/DataStructuresDoubly linked list
quque0TOO/TOO/DataStructuresQueue data-structure
stack0TOO/TOO/DataStructuresStack data-structure
hash0TOO/TOO/DataStructuresHash table
heap0TOO/TOO/DataStructuresHeap data-structure
my·sql0TOO/TOO/DataBasesMySQL database
azure·sql0TOO/TOO/DataBasesAzureSQL database
mongo·db0TOO/TOO/DataBasesMongoDB database
influx·db0TOO/TOO/DataBasesInfluxDB database
go0TOO/TOO/ConcurrencyThe equivalent of Go language go-routine
channel0TOO/TOO/ConcurrencyThe equivalent of Go language string “chan”
mutex0TOO/TOO/ConcurrencyThe equivalent of Go language “mutex”
normal·distribution0TOO/TOO/StatisticsIncremental calculation of normal distribution
exponential·distribution0TOO/TOO/StatisticsIncremental calculation of exponential distribution
poisson·distribution0TOO/TOO/StatisticsIncremental calculation of Poisson distribution
math0TOO/TOO/MathematicsBasic functions (such as “sin”, “log”), plus various constants (such as π and 𝑒)
vector0TOO/TOO/MathematicsFor vector arithmetics
matrix0TOO/TOO/MathematicsFor matrix algebra
random0TOO/TOO/MathematicsRandom numbers generator
gmail0TOO/TOO/GoogleGoogle’s gmail send/receive emails and more
sheet0TOO/TOO/GoogleGoogle’s sheet with “append”, “get” functions and many more
critical0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesGenerates an alert when a critical thing is dead
dead·or·alive0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesMonitors the status of physical things
publisher0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesInjects a messsage to the internal network
sun0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesNotifies of sunrise and sunset, taking the information from a website
sms0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesSends a text message to a phone number
voice·caller0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesSends a text-to-speach a message to a phone number
mailer0TOO/TOO/UtilitiesSends an email
os0TOO/TOO/Systeminterface to operating system functionality such as file and process manipulation (see golang OS)
io0TOO/TOO/Systemprovides basic interfaces to I/O primitives (see golang IO)
zip0TOO/TOO/SystemZip file compression
tar0TOO/TOO/SystemTar file compression
http0TOO/TOO/HttpReads a web page (specified by URL)
sensor>$50TOO/TOO/SensorA physical sensor that sends notifications of the environment
sensor·binary>$50TOO/TOO/SensorA physical sensor that sends open/close notifications
switch>$50TOO/TOO/SensorA physical actuator that opens/closes an electrical circuit
button>$50TOO/TOO/SensorA physical button that notifies when the button was pressed
valve0HIKARI/HIKARI/GardenControls a pipe valve (both AC and DC valves)
watering0HIKARI/HIKARI/GardenControls the weekly schedule of an irrigation station
door·code0HIKARI/HIKARI/WarehouseOpens a door when a certain sequence of buttons is pressed
safe0HIKARI/HIKARI/HouseSend an alert when the safe/drawer is opened
night·light0HIKARI/HIKARI/HouseOpen periphery lights on sunset
thermostat0OpenU/OpenU/Barak-YanivTurn on switch when temperature is low. Turn it off when high
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